哲想方案有限公司(簡稱:哲想方案)成立於一九九八年。在這十年間,我們專注於軟體的發展,包括軟體代理和開發。我們的軟體種類很多,當中有翻譯、影像、軟體開發配件、繪圖等等。我們抱住「軟體.專業.專注」的態度服務台灣。 哲想方案發展迅速!現在我們在台灣、中國、新加坡和香港都擁有公司。在台灣,我們擁有一流的銷售網絡和經驗,網上網下的零售商店和經銷商不計其數、其中 PCHOME、宏碁、三井、Yahoo! Monday 和 Softking 等都是我們的合作伙伴。我們服務的政府、教育和商業機構例如總統府、行政院、國立台灣大學、國立中興大學、台灣電力、台灣無印良品等已經超過五萬之多,而 其數目都在每日快速增加,此成績真的令人興奮! 我們衷心的感謝大家多年來的支持!在往後的日子,我們會繼續抱住「軟體.專業.專注」的態度服務您們,並每日求水準、求進步、求創新,力求做到最好!

Ian D. Mead
IDM has been publishing software since 1994 and is a highly stable, debt-free company and trusted CISP compliant merchant.
IDM products have won coveted industry awards to include PC Magazines Annual Editors Choice Award and the Shareware Industry Application of the Year Award, as well as the Shareware Industry People's Choice Award. Our software is highly recognized for its programming excellence and is featured internationally in numerous magazines. Our UltraEdit text editor product is recognized around the world as one of the best products of it's class. IDM is recognized as a certified Microsoft partner.
IDM products have nearly two million registered users in most countries, and are localized in eight different languages and are recognized around the world.
Numerous Federal, State, and Local governments/agencies, Fortune 100/500/1000 companies, and hundreds of thousands of private users use IDM products worldwide.
To read the full story about how IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. started click here.